Cartagena, Colombia
Introduction to RangeShifter and RangeShiftR for spatial population modelling (see ).
Individual-based population models offer substantial potential for increasing our understanding of spatial population ecology and ultimately for informing more effective management of spatial ecological systems. RangeShifter provides a relatively easy-to-use Windows platform for developing individual-based simulations that can be used to address questions of, for example, population viability, functionay landscape connectivity and for assessing the likely effectivenss of alternative management interventions. The recently published RangeShiftR provides the same functionality but in the R programming environment. This workshop will provide an accessible introduction to the modelling approach and to the software. It will comprise of a combination of short lectures and computer practical sessions. We will introduce approaches for modelling demographic processes (reproduction and survival) and for modelling dispersal - including modelling movement across complex landscapes. We will illustrate how the software has been used for a range of systems and questions and this will include cases in tropical systems, including for orangutans and for invasive plant species. Within the workshop, there will also be opportunity for attendees to discuss with the course organisers their own study systems and to consider how they might use RangeShifter (or RangeShiftR) in their own work. Our experience from running previous workshops is that this can be extremely valuable and can result in rapid progress with projects after the workshop. The workshop is suitable for anyone with an interest in spatial population ecology, from a fundamental or an applied perspective. Both those with previous experience of modelling and those who have not used it before and very welcome! For further information on the software and how it has been used see
Introducing RangeShifter and RangeShiftR for spatial population modelling
Saturday July 9th – Morning (4h, 8:00am-12:00m),Saturday July 9th – Afternoon (4h, 1:00pm-5:00pm),Sunday July 10th – Morning (4h, 8:00am-12:00m),Sunday July 10th – Afternoon (3h, 1:00pm-4:00pm)