Cartagena, Colombia

Linking field-oriented ecology and ecologists with land surface models and modelers
Part 1: Tue, July 12, 10:30 - 12:30 hrs, Room: Barahona 3
Part 2: Tue, July 12, 14:00 - 16:00 hrs, Room: Barahona 3
Stuart J. Davies, Camille Piponiot, Alexander Shenkin, Lara Kueppers, Alvaro Duque
This symposium will advance the integration of three key disciplines (empirical field ecology, remote sensing, and land surface modeling) with the goals of rapidly improving understanding of the structure, function and composition of tropical forests, and greatly improving predictions on the fate of these critical ecosystems.
Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) are the components of Earth System Models that predict vegetation distribution, composition, response to climate and disturbance, and fluxes to and from the atmosphere. These models are critical for understanding global consequences of ecosystem processes. Due to the complexity of ecosystem processes, DGVMs greatly simplify ecosystem structure and dynamics for the sake of computational efficiency. As a result, they have not captured important heterogeneity within ecosystems and differential sensitivities to global change, such as enhanced vulnerability of large trees to drought or the role of nutrients in modulating vegetation responses. In recent years, more complex processes have been integrated into a new generation of DGVMs. Detailed information on the demography, functional biology, and environmental conditions of tree species are needed to help improve and evaluate these new models. Tropical ecologists have collected such field data over decades, and advances in remote sensing have made information on vegetation structure, dynamics, and composition, over large areas, available. However, there remains a lack of integration between field and remote-sensing data, and DGVMs. This symposium aims to integrate empirical field ecology, remote sensing, and modeling to achieve novel inferences about tropical forest structure and function, and to improve predictions of the future of these critical ecosystems. Part of the divide between modeling and ecological disciplines is related to scale: while the modeling community looks for broad, global-scale patterns, the field-based ecological studies are often site-based, highly detailed, process-level studies. The talks in this symposium will describe the latest representations of tropical forests in DGVMs. They will describe some of the current limitations of the models and how field and remote-sensing data can be used to both improve the parameterization of models and provide much more robust testbeds for model evaluation. The symposium will greatly expand inter-disciplinary collaboration. Given the broad sweep of the topic, we propose two linked sessions. One session will introduce DGVMs and will investigate the linkages between DGVMs and empirical field ecology. The second session will explore how remote sensing can help link site-based field data with large-scale models. We further propose that this symposium be coupled with an informal workshop, after the symposium, where modelers, remote sensers, and ecologists can engage, answer questions, and plan collaborations that will advance understanding of the current and future dynamics of tropical forests.
Global calibration of E3SM-FATES using ground data from a forest monitoring network
Jessica Needham*
Linking field observations, lidar, and ecosystem models to understand the impact of Amazon forest degradation on water and carbon cycles
Marcos Longo*, Michael Keller, Sassan Saatchi, Xiangtao Xu, Paul Moorcroft, Alexandra Konings, Jean Ometto, António Ferraz, Ovidiu Csillik, Elsa Ordway, Erik Larson and Lara Kueppers
Parameterizing tropical forest diversity: integrating a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed trait measurements
Elsa Ordway*, Gregory Asner, David Burslem, Stuart J. Davies, , Roberta Martin, Mohamad Mohizah, Reuben Nilus, Michael O'Brien, Oliver Phillips, Lan Qie, Sabrina Russo, Marcos Longo, Xiangtao Xu and Paul Moorcroft
The nature of Amazonian tree mortality
Adriane Esquivel Muelbert*, Oliver Phillips, Thomas Pugh, David Galbraith and RAINFOR NETWORK N/A
Insights into tropical tree mortality and damage from a multi-site monitoring program informing vegetation models
Daniel Zuleta*, Gabriel Arellano, Helene Muller-Landau, Sean McMahon, Salomón Salomón Aguilar, Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, Nicolás Castaño, Chia-Hao Chang-Yang, Alvaro Duque, David Mitre, Musalmah Nasardin, Rolando Pérez, I-Fang Sun, Tze Leong Yao, Renato Valencia and Stuart J. Davies
Model hypotheses for variation in tree hydraulic functional strategy across tropical forests
Thomas Pugh*, Daijun Liu, Annemarie Eckes-Shephard, Phillip Papastefanou, Anja Rammig, Adriane Esquivel Muelbert, Thomas Matthews and Jonathan Sadler
Integrating hydrology, tree demography and traits data to advance land surface model predictions of tropical forest response to droughts
Rutuja Chitra-Tarak*
The Distribution of EcM Trees in Lowland Tropical Forests
Jose Medina-Vega*, Salomón Salomón Aguilar, Alfonso Alonso, Pulchérie Bissiengou, Warren Brockelman, Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, David Burslem, Richard Condit, Alvaro Duque, Sisira Ediriweera, Corneille Ewango, Robin Foster, Stephen Hubbell, Akira Itoh, Somboon Kiratiprayoon, Yao Leong, Shawn Lum, Jean-Remy Makana, Hervé Memiaghe, Mohamad Mohizah, Anuttara Nathalang, Vojtech Novotny, Michael O'Brien, Alexandre Oliveira, Rolando Pérez, Nantachai Pongpattananurak, Glen Reynolds, Sylvester Tan, Jill Thompson, Maria Uriarte, Renato Valencia, Alberto Vicentini, George Weiblen, Jess Zimmerman and Stuart J. Davies
Leveraging multi-source forest data to predict cyclone responses in tropical forest
Barbara Bomfim*, Mingjie Shi, Dellena Bloom, Yanlei Feng, Michael Keller and Lara Kueppers