Cartagena, Colombia
Tropical montane ecosystems: biodiversity, carbon and climate change
Tue, July 12, 14:00 - 16:00 hrs, Room: 302
Aida Cuni-Sanchez
This symposium will create syntheses of novel ecological and climate change effects research in these ecosystems in different continents, and it will help establish a pantropical network of plots for forest monitoring in mountains, something which does not yet exist.
In this session, we will first present novel insights from recent research projects focused on TMF in Africa, Andes and SE Asia. We will discuss research gaps and potential future synergies across continents and a synthesis of the newest findings on climate change effects on tropical mountain ecosystems. One aim of this symposium is investigating the creation of a network of permanent plots across the three continents to help understand how these forests function and provide a platform for monitoring global change impacts on TMF. Permanent plots can also be used e.g. to investigate population structure of endangered tree species, or those valued by local communities. To achieve socio-ecological resilience in montane areas, we need to understand what we have (biodiversity, carbon) and how it functions. The relevance and impact of this symposium goes beyond academia, as practitioners and policy-makers need key information on the dynamics and changes in threatened ecosystems to help design and implement appropriate management strategies. For instance, research from lowland tropical forest networks informed policy, e.g. IPCC. Regarding the audience, ATBC participants working in lowland tropical forests or other forest ecosystems, or on wildlife in mountains, might also be keen to attend the session as there are potential future synergies for global studies, or for studies on other plant or animal groups in TMF.
The effect of biogeographic legacy on tropical Andean forests
Sebastian Gonzalez-Caro and Alvaro Duque*
Temporal shifts in functional composition of Andean forests at different elevations are driven by climate change
Johanna Martínez-Villa*, Sandra Duran, Brian Enquist, Alvaro Duque, Christian Messier and Alain Paquette
Using space-for-time substitutions to infer the long-term climate sensitivity of tropical forests
Martin Sullivan*
Tree diversity patterns in African tropical montane forests
Aida Cuni-Sanchez*